People around the world
have been reacting to the news that South Africa's first black president
and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has died, aged 95.
World leaders...
South African President Jacob Zuma announced Nelson Mandela's death,
saying South Africa had lost "its greatest son" and calling on South
Africans to conduct themselves with the "dignity and respect" that Mr
Mandela personified. "Although we knew this day was going to come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss," he said.
US President Barack Obama spoke shortly afterwards. "We've lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this earth," he said.
President Obama on Mandela: "He no longer belongs to us; he belongs to the ages"
"A great light has gone out in the world," said British Prime Minister David Cameron. "Nelson Mandela was a hero of our time."
French President Francois Hollande said Mr Mandela's message would "continue to inspire fighters for freedom, and to give confidence to peoples in the defence of just causes and universal rights", while Germany's Angela Merkel said Mr Mandela's "political legacy of non-violence and the condemnation of all forms of racism" would continue to inspire.
Mr Mandela was an "inspiration to the oppressed peoples all over the world" and had made "unparalleled personal sacrifices", said Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan.
Brazil's Dilma Rousseff said Mr Mandela would "guide all those who fight for social justice and for peace in the world", and India's Manmohan Singh said: "A giant among men has passed away."
For UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Mr Mandela "was a giant for justice and a down-to-earth human inspiration".
FW de Klerk: Mandela "was a great unifier"
Former Irish President Mary Robinson said: "His death leaves us bereft - it is felt by all of us as a personal loss."
"We will remember him as a man of uncommon grace and compassion, for whom abandoning bitterness and embracing adversaries was not just a political strategy but a way of life," said former US President Bill Clinton.
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