Following in the footsteps of Snoop Dogg and Mos Def, the artist formerly known as Jay-Z has decided to switch up his moniker. The Magna Carta… Holy Grail rapper has switched up his name to Jay Z. So, adios, hyphen! Clearly you were weighing him down.
This stylistic alteration grabbed our attention Wednesday when Billboard editor Joey Levy tweeted, "Breaking: Jay Z has dropped the hyphen from his name, according to his label. I am not kidding. (Wish I was.) Copy editors: take note."
While we, like Levy, are just becoming wise to the news now, Jay actually made the switch back in 2011 — Watch The Throne designates him as hyphenless Jay Z.
We know, it's heartbreaking to hear that Jay Z is leaving behind his once-beloved hyphen, but at least he has Beyoncé (and her apostrophe) to fill the void.
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